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Hello and welcome to my photography portfolio!

My name is Gerard Brull, and I am an astrophotographer and music photographer based in Barcelona.

As an astrophotographer, I am passionate about capturing the beauty and wonder of the night sky. From capturing stunning images of the Milky Way to the deep sky objects of the universe, I strive to bring the magic of the cosmos to life through my photography and continue learning in astronomy. This has been a new hobby since the pandemic, but I'm in love with it.

As a music photographer, I am passionate about capturing the energy and emotion of live music events. I've been taking photos of concerts and festivals for different magazines since 2016. I specialise in extreme metal music, but I'm open to other domains.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio website. I hope you enjoy viewing my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Let's connect!

Feel free to send me an email or DM in case you are interested in prints or working together.

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